Home Page

Class Information


P.E - Our P.E day is a Tuesday, children are welcome to come to school wearing their P.E kit.


Please can your child also bring in a pair of wellies, labelled with their name, to keep in their locker for outdoor learning opportunities. 


Book Bags- Please can you ensure your child has their book bag everyday and not just their specified reading day. Sometimes there is the odd week where we are very busy and we may change your child's book on a different day, having the book bag in school ensures we can change it whenever needed. They are also really handy for the children to bring home letters, pictures and certificates.


Homework- Learning Logs.

Every Friday we will give you a homework activity to share with your child. You will find the activity on your child's Seesaw journal or the paper activity will be sent home. All homework should be returned to us by the following Wednesday. 


Tuck money is £1.00 a week and should be sent in on a Monday. 




Thank yousmiley

