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Links to Children's Rights


The Humanities AoLE enables children to realise their rights to participation, freedom of expression and information (Articles 12, 13 and 17). Importantly it also supports children to know and understand their rights under the UNCRC (Article 42) and to develop an understanding of the human rights of others.



What Matters in Humanities


  1. Enquiry, exploration and investigation inspire curiosity about the world, its past, present and future.

  2. Events and human experiences are complex, and are perceived, interpreted and represented in different ways.

  3. Our natural world is diverse and dynamic, influenced by processes and human actions.

  4. Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs.

  5. Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered and ethical action.



Progression in Humanities


  1. Increasing breadth and depth of knowledge
  2. Deepening understanding of the ideas and disciplines within areas of learning and experience
  3. Refinement and growing sophistication in the use and application of skills
  4. Making connections and transferring learning into new contexts
  5. Increasing effectiveness as a learner

What does Humanities look like in Ty Isaf Infants


  • History
  • Geography
  • Religion
  • Values and Ethics
  • Business Studies
  • Social Studies
  • School Trips
  • Assemblies
  • Visits from ICE Wales
  • Enterprise Week

