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Thursday lunch time with Mrs Board


After looking back at the mind map we made together in September ,Cinderella was a story Sophia wanted to read . We read the story together and did a measuring activity with a partner. The children had a choice of what they wanted to measure and came up with some good ideas.

We talked about how important it is to be kind to our friends, we don't hurt our friends and use kind words. We call these words compliments, here are a few we said about our friends:

Seren  "I like Olivia's bobble"

Olivia D "I like Megan's shoes because i like the flash"

Branwen "I like Freya's coat"

April "I like Sophia's glasses


Today in Bookworms we did something a little bit different .... we read 2 different stories and then wrote a book review! The stories we read were "Over and Under" and "Chicken Licken". We talked about what we liked about each book then completed a book review together before independently writing their own.Have a look at the photos .......what do you think ? I am very proud of all my bookworms they have tried really hard. 

Mrs Rainbow

We read Mrs Rainbow story and then acted out the story using the puppets .

Winnie in Space

We shared the story of Winnie in Space this week then had our own wordsearch. We had to use good looking eyes to find the hidden words .

Winnie at the Seaside

We looked at a Winnie the Witch wordsearch this week and took it in turns to find a word. We highlighted it in pink when we had found it and gave our friends a chance to have a go!
In Bookworms today it was lovely and sunny so we sat outside on the boat to have our story. In the story Winnie and Wilbur have a visit from a baby dragon. Our activity today was to follow instructions to find the baby dragon. We sounded out the words we were unsure of and found the baby dragon having lots of fun at the same time!

Winnie Flies Again 

We loved reading the story of Winnie Flies Again in Bookworms today. Winnie kept crashing into things and Branwen had an idea that she may need glasses, it turns out she was correct! Now Winnie is safe in the sky again.

We read the sentances together on our colouring sheet and coloured in the frogs and cats in the right colours.

The Gingerbread Man

We read the story again today and all joined in with the gingerbread man singing " Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread!"

The children were telling me about sharing their gingerbread men we made last week! Some didn't share at all! 

We then looked at some gingerbread houses and drew our own gingerbread houses for a gingerbread man to live in. I think you can agree they are fab!

We read the story and decorated gingerbread men ! We took them home to eat them .

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was our story for this week. We read the story together then discussed creating another dwarf. The children had some fab ideas of what they think the dwarf would look like. We used lots of describing words like spotty beard, diamond tiara, zig zag hat and flowery dress. Olivia said she wanted her dwarf to look just like her but smaller !!

World Book Day

 We dressed up as our favourite character and brought in our favourite books .We shared the story with our friends and talked about our favourite part of the story.


Seren said "My favourite part is when the baby is born"


Freya likes it when "he turns into a butterfly"


Olivia E likes the part when "the witch came to get the magic flower"


Megan loves "all of it"


"When the light began to dim,when the butterfly was coming to him" is the part Jared enjoyed the most.


Branwen was pleased " when the little owl got home. Coz he was looking at others but they were too small but he finally got home"


Ewa said "My favourite part is every part!"


Olivia D told me "she wanted to marry someone but he wasn't nice so she married Kristoff"


Jack and the Beanstalk

We watched the story of Jack and the beanstalk on the white board.We enjoyed it !
We read the story of Jack and the beanstalk. We made little packets to put our magic beans in to take home to decorate. 

Don't Worry Hugless Douglas

by David Melling

We started by reading the story of Don't Worry Hugless Douglas again.

Olivia had a great idea for an activity for Bookworms this week, she wanted us to create a new hat for Hugless Douglas. It was great fun!

In this follow -up story Douglas is given a new woolly hat and told by his Dad to look after it . Unfortunately it gets caught on a tree and after Douglas has done lots of cartwheels "his new woolly hat had turned into one long string of spaghetti!" 

We took it in turns to pull a piece of wool from Hugless Douglas hat out of the tub . We put them on the floor and ordered them according to size , it was quite tricky!

Alice in Wonderland


We finished reading the story of Alice in Wonderland in Book worms today. We made pocket watches like the white rabbit has in the story, it was quite hard to write the numbers on but we all had a really good try.


We have now started reading the story of Alice in Wonderland, we sat on a blanket to read the story together. We did a spot the difference activity , it was quite tricky !!

Hugless Douglas


We have been reading a story called "Hugless Douglas". He searches for the perfect hug, and hugs lots of different things like rocks and trees before deciding the best hugs are from someone you love. We passed around the special monkey and told him who are our favourite people to hug.

The children told us about their favourite hugs.

Smelly Bill

We read a story called Smelly Bill, each week we are doing activities linked to the story. Take at look at the fun we have...


This week we made fizzing magic potions! We all took turns to add the special ingredients and watch the potion erupt! It was fantastic fun!

This week we made smelly potion recipes that would make Smelly Bill smell better!


This week we explored smelly pots and had to identify what was in each one. 
